Checking it Thrice...

Hello folks and happy holidays!!

Some extended post-release testing has caught a few naughty bugs who will most definitely be getting coal this year!
To our knowledge none of these had been reported but they may have raised somebody's eyebrows if stumbled into and watching some playthroughs led us to think some tweaks were in order.
As you can see by the list below, it would have been simpler in this game about reindeer to just not include the reindeer. They are a constant nuisance!

  • Chilled out George Munson so his obsession with chicken spacing is less obnoxious.
  • Gently balanced some audio volumes and fixed an instance where a SFX would cut off another SFX.
  • Increased Sprint speed (slightly) while carrying the bucket. Sorry, that task is still a slog!!
  • Fixed 'select' icon showing while carrying coffee in certain instances.
  • Added a 'Power Required' context hint for devices in the staff hut when building power is offline.
  • Fixed an issue where Reindeer were up to some shenanigans past midnight (damn little gremlins!).
  • Fixed an issue where shepherding Reindeer after midnight could lock you out of certain end-game criteria.
  • Fixed multiple tasks not updating correctly if you interrupt them by shepherding reindeer.
  • Fixed an issue where the coffee task would update to 'drink your coffee' stage before coffee was poured.
  • Added an extra spoooky thing!


ReindeerGames 40 MB
2 days ago

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Heck yeah! Wonder what that spooky thing is.
